I enjoyed going to the art gallery but it was much better the last time i went there. I felt like there was less works there especially since the upstairs was closed.
Works that impressed or impacted me:
I liked this work, i liked how there was a lot going on in the picture and it kept your mind and eyes busy looking around and trying to make connections within the art work.
This picture of the cow makes me feel sad. He seems lonely or possibly sick. The leaves and the trees in the background seem to be dying or perhaps fall is coming. The colors give a dreary look. Also it is said that when a cow is lying down it means it is going to rain. I don’t know who believes this- I don’t, but it may be what the artist is getting at.
This picture I find to be interesting as well. I think that the curves have some kind of hidden meaning behind them that is up to the viewer’s interpretation. The title is called dangerous curves suggesting that the artist is trying to warn the viewers of something or imply something is wrong or about to happen. The colors also give a sense of evil, anger, and worry.
I feel a connection with this artwork because she seems how I seem at parties. I always get weird looks and do not like being the center of attention. She looks like she does not want to be there or she is trying to get towards somewhere else, but is being dragged somewhere else. I feel like this is going to be me at my wedding, which I am dreading, I hate being the center of attention, and I do not like people watching me.
I feel a connection with this one because it reminds me of my house. I have an eight month old son, a pit bull, and a beagle. My son loves his dogs and the dogs take good care of him. He just started crawling so he and the dogs are best friends. They just lay together on the floor and the dogs; especially the beagle follows him everywhere. Also they are protective of him to make sure he doesn’t get harmed.
I really liked this work; I thought it was different how the artist made the walking motion of the dog and person. I feel a connection with this one, because with my hectic life, my baby, two dogs, school, my job, etc. I am always moving.
Would like to know more about:
This is a picture I would like to know more about. I just found it interesting with a woman sitting in a bathtub and a cow standing over her. I can’t tell where she was but I just wonder what came over the artist to do this, why a cow too.
This is another picture I would like to know more about. I stood at this picture the longest and just could not understand it. I walked by a view works of art that I didn’t get, but didn’t care to. But this one there was just something about it that caught my eye. It looks interesting, but I really had no idea what I was looking at. I tried showing my fiancĂ© and he was stumped too.
This work of art was the first thing I saw before I even pulled into the parking lot, and it captured my eye right away. I thought it was interesting, but again I wonder why. It didn’t make anything, at least not that I see. It was just a punch of canoes thrown together. Why canoes? Why were they put the way they were? Was there any meaning behind it? Again it was interesting but to me it’s not really what I consider art and that is why I want to know why it was done.
Overall I really enjoyed this project. I never really go to museums or art galleries unless it’s for school, so it was fun going and looking at all the work. I looked forward to going to more for the other projects.