Friday, July 15, 2011

Week 7: Video Review

The first video i watched was The Night Watch. I chose this video because i enjoy the works of Rembrandt and wanted to know more about his works. The begining started out interesting with the preperation for the reenactment of his painting The Night Watch. This painting was very large in scale and weighed 337 kilograms. The painting people see today was not how the artist intended. The painting had been restored multiple times and is missing some of the features. It had damage from being moved 3 times during world war II. A school teacher slashed it with a knife. And a man poured acid on it, so it had to be diluted with water. This painting is the object for dutch pilgrimage and attracts millions of international visitors each year. This painting was different from normal italian works of this time. Most figures were posed, whereas in this painting they were acting.
The second video i chose was Leonardo Da Vinci: The mind of the Renaissance. I chose this video because i find Da vinci to be an interesting person. I was surprised to find out all of what he was. He was a painter, sculptor, architect engineer, and student of anatomy, botany, architecture, hydrodynamics, aeronautics and other disciplines. His works were normally representative of the emotions of the sole. Although somethings are false, just a persons view, and/or made for the movie, the Da vinci code movie and book have got me interested in his works. Although i knew it before watching this video that he used mirror writing, i thought the video explained it better than i had known.
Next I chose the video The Drawings of Michaelangelo. I chose this because i knew a lot of his works, but never knew anything behind them or about Michaelangelo himself. His most famous work was the Sistine Chapel and the works inside them. I learned a lot from this video that i had never known. one thing was he kept his artwork to reuse, and many of his drawings were destroyed by himself because of hesitation and second thoughts. Many have tried but no one has been able to master his designs. Michaelangelo taught himself to sculpt and only created one statue: David. This was the first marble statue to be carved in Italy since the period of antiquity. He also started doing artworks for a church owned by the Medici family. The family was forced out and michaelangelo never finished his work .one thing that the book talks about that relates to the movie is christianity. Christianity was important in the artworks of this time and was the driving factor behind Michaelangelo's works.
The last video i watched was La Primavera. This painting was done by Botticelli and also known as Allegory of Spring. The painting was a famous work ofo Western art and was done using tempera, and provide the audience with multiple interpretations. Some interpretations include: was it an allegory, a pageant of sexual permissiveness, or an emblem of Renessaince humanism and neoplatonism. This video ties in with the chapter on the renasissance and the ideas of renaissance humanism. Th epicture depicts the goddess of love, venus. Her son cupid, flies above her, blindfolded, holding a flaming arrow, aimed at a group of woman. Next to them is a young male, named mercury, who is the messenger of the gods.
Although i am getting very tired of watching videos, i think that this was my favorite set of videos i have watched so far.

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