Title: Self Portrait with Monkey
Year: 1938
Media: oil on canvas
I chose this one to mainly focus on in drawing my portrait. I liked how it was just not the artist in the picture but also other things were included that showed who she was and her other interests.
2. Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Title: Self Portrait with Grey Felt Hat
Year: 1886/87
Media: oil on pasteboard
I chose this picture as my second inspirational piece because it looks like a natural painting like it was just taken, and no posing was involved. I am not good at posing for pictures, which you will see when you get to my picture.
3. Artist: Paula Modersohn Becker
Title: self- portrait
Year: 1906
Media: oil on canvas
I chose this as my final inspirational piece because like the other two it is also a natural picture that shows who she is and not someone she wants to be or someone other people want her to be.
I really did not enjoy working on this project, this is my worst part of art classes, drawing people. I had a hard time drawing myself because i am not good at drawing to begin with and i am definetly not good at drawing people. I chose to use colored pencil to draw and create my self portrait, because it is the media that i am most comfortable with. I had problems finding colors to color in my picture. i could not find a color that went for skin, and colored pencil really does not blend very well, so i had to do my best to make it work. In this work i used the elements and principles: asymetrical balance, space, unity, and line. This piece represents me because it has me holding my son which represents motherhood, caring, and responsibility.